Black is not a color, it’s the absence of color. Black absorbs light, light creates color. Black is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is ruled by the element of earth and is structured, disciplined and responsible. It can also be limiting.
When interpreting black in a card, consider not only the aspect or item that is black, but that all things in the tarot are capable of representing both positive and negative, depending on the card, on the reader, and on the position of the card.
To interpret black in a tarot reading consider these connotations:
Positive Connotations:
• Protection (absorbs negative energy)
• Mysterious, Hidden knowledge
• Receptivity
• Sophisticated
• Powerful
Negative Connotations:
• Absence of insight
• Ignorance
• Sorrow, depression
• Draining (may absorb too much energy)
Sample Interpretation with Black:
Deck: “Tarot of the New Vision”
Card: Two of PentaclesThere is a black bird in the card. I’m not sure if it is a hawk, or a raven. At this point it is immaterial to me because the black presents me with the option to interpret the symbol as: I am free (‘as a bird’) to make the choices (the number two) I need to make and through those choices I will be protected (black.)
In a different reading in a different time I might recognize the bird as a specific type of bird, and that would be significant, as well. But, today, it’s the black that stands out to me.
In a reading, always note the element that is standing out to you at that moment. As always, choose one or two key words that are meaningful to you for that specific reading.
Tarot of the New Vision © Lo Scarabeo