Animal Spirit Guide: Walrus

walrusWalrus as an Animal Spirit Guide

Physical Closeness, protection, paying attention.

When walrus crosses your path:
— Hug someone you care about
— Get together with close friends
— Join a group of like-minded people
— To take the path of least resistance

Think about Walrus:
Walrus is an interesting animal. Gregarious & physically social, Walrus is slow moving & clumsy on land (they store fat) but they at home in the water (water=emotions.)

Use walrus energy when:

— You feel the need for more physical affection
— You need to be more aware of your physical surroundings
— You want to relax & feel more positive about a financial situation

Walrus medicine teaches us:

–To be aware of our surroundings, yet not be so cautious as to push people away
— That we, too, are social animals & need others for hugs, comfort & to keep us grounded- in addition to physical protection
— To prepare & store for the future

Moving effortlessly in the water, Walrus can teach us to ‘ride the emotional’ waves inevitable in our lives, to pick our battles wisely when in defensive mode, and that as long as we are close to the people we love, we will be protected from a cold and lonely heart.

Want to learn more about Walrus? Click here.

Animal Spirit Guides by Steven D. Farmer

Animal Spirit Guide: Coyote


Key words:
— Adaptability, Cleverness, Family, Devotion, Cooperation, Teamwork, Survival, Curiosity

When Coyote crosses your path:
— Ease up. Stop taking things so seriously.
— Stop complicating things. Don’t try to fight the situation, adapt to it.
— Don’t berate yourself for mistakes, learn from them. Accept wisdom learned as a gift.

Think about Coyote:
Cleaver and adaptable, the coyote survives. When hunting, they hunt in pairs, using a relay cooperative effort. One chases while one rests. Their family unit is close-knit and many mate for life. They look out for and protect each other, yet they are playful and want to have fun. While looked at as a pest by many, coyotes still have a sociable nature, wit and cleverness.

Use Coyote Medicine to:

— Move beyond embarrassment of foolish acts
— Become more sociable and accepting of your child within
— Accept your idiosyncracies with humor, rather than shame
— Find the wisdom from your mistakes or missteps

Animal Spirit Guides by Steven D. Farmer

Power Animal Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer

Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews

Animal Spirit Guide: Deer/Fawn


— Gentleness, Caring, Kindness
— Innocence, Vulnerability
— Keen Psychic Insight, Observation
— Sensitivity & Ability to Listen

Use deer energy to:
— Open yourself up more genuinely
— Become aware of your surroundings
— Stay in the present moment

Think about a deer. It doesn’t really have the defenses that so many other animals have, not the teeth of a tiger, the quills of a porcupine or the strength of a walrus. It’s true natural defense to the world around it is it’s keen sense of observation and escaping capabilities. It’s light on it’s feet, it feels and hears the tiniest things. It’s vulnerable, yet willing to move out of it’s world to explore new beings and new sights around it.

Deer medicine can teach us to let down our guard and be vulnerable to the world around us, emotionally, physically and psychically. So often our egos of armor keep us from experiencing those things which can only be experienced through vulnerability and heightened sensitivity. In doing so, we open ourselves up for hurt, as well as experience, but without the experience, we might not feel at all. And that would be a terrible shame.